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Eventum investigationis

  • pugnatum est — ' it was fought,' — an impersoiial constniction ; that is to say, no subject is apparent. equabus. — Words of the first declension, that have masculine...
    481 octeti (6 063 verba) - 07:42, 15 Iunii 2020
  • ‘mosaics’ is the modern word. Larium. Lares or Penates was the name given to the group of two Penates and one Lar (good spirit of the dead of the family)...
    773 octeti (1 001 verba) - 17:07, 13 Augusti 2022
  • Manibus—the Manes, or souls of the dead were worshipped. parum dicto audientes—‘disobedient to his commands.’ ut—lacesseret—subject to accidit; 22, note. quanto—abl...
    498 octeti (14 482 verba) - 09:24, 16 Augusti 2023