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Eventum investigationis

Nonne dicere voluisti: werk of hodie
  • Lydia—a country in the south-west of Asia Minor. domi—'at home.' An old case called the locative. 17. Sardes, ium—the capital of Lydia. 18. Adrasto—the dative...
    481 octeti (5 926 verba) - 07:42, 15 Iunii 2020
  • temple, in plur. a house. aedificium, ii, n., a building. aedifico. v. 1, to build. aegre, adv., with difficulty. aeneus, a, um, adv., of brass. aequalis...
    482 octeti (14 205 verba) - 07:42, 15 Iunii 2020