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A First Latin Reader/113

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Lesson 113
The Besieged learn of Caesar’s Approach
 112. Caesar heads a Relief Force 114. The Enemy raise the Seige 
The Besieged learn of Caesar’s Approach

Itaque cuidam ex equitibus Gallīs Caesar magnls praemiīs persuāsit, ut ad Cicerōnem epistulam dēferret. Hanc Graecīs litterīs scrīptam mīsit, nē Gallō interceptō nostra cōnsilia ab hostibus cōgnōscerentur. Hominī imperāvit ut, sī hīberna intrāre nōn posset, trāgulam cum epistulā ad āmentum dēligātā intrā mūnītiōnēs abiceret. In epistulā scrīpsit sē cum legiōnibus profectum celeriter adfore; Cicerōnem hortātus est ut prīstinam virtūtem retinēret. Gallus, cum ad hīberna vēnisset, perīculum veritus, ut erat imperātum, trāgulam cum litterīs mittit. Haec cāsū ad turrim adhaesit, neque ā nostrīs statim animadversa, tertiō diē ā mīlite quōdam cōnspicitur; quī eam sine morā ad Cicerōnem dēfert. Ille, epistulā perlēctā, mīlitēs laetus docet Caesarem iam subsidiō venīre. Tum fūmī incendiōrum procul cernēbantur; quae rēs omnem dubitātiōnem adventūs legiōnum expulit.


The upper illustration is interesting as showing the very primitive equipment of some of the light-armed troops. In the lower picture may be seen on the spears of the warrior the strap (āmentum) which was used to assist the hand when the weapons were hurled.
