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A First Latin Reader/6

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Lesson 6
Captain John Smith
 5. The Cabots 7. Captain John Smith (Continued) 

Captain John Smith

Quod colōnī, quī ex Hispāniā in Americam dēductī erant, aurum multum et argentum ibi inveniēbant, Britannī quoque colōnōs quōsdam mīsērunt, quī castra pōnerent[1][2] in terrā, quae Virginia appellātur. Quōs[3] colōnōs Indī mox adortī sunt, sagittīsque occidērunt paucōs; castra tamen prope rīpam posita erant, ac nautae ē nāvibus tēla plūrima inmīsērunt in hostēs, quī sē celeriter in silvās recipere coāctī sunt.

Brevī autem erat perīculum etiam maius; nam paene omnis cōnsūmptus est cibus, quem colōni ā Britanniā nāvibus[4] vēxerant. Statim igitur eōrum dux, nōmine Faber, vir fortis, cum scaphā paucīsque mīlitibus adversō flūmine[5] longē prōgressus est, ut frūmentum quaereret, quod incolae libenter dabant prō nūgis[6] quās colōnī sēcum ferēbant.

Posteā dux īdem, cum iterum profectus esset ut invenīret viam, quā ad Asiam nāvēs pervenīre possent (omnēs[7] enim iam intellegēbant Americam nōn esse Asiae partem), fortiter pugnāns ab Indīs captus est.

  1. pōnerent: cf. the note on possent, p. 1, l. 13.
  2. : modifier of terrā: for translation, cf. eam, p. 5, l. 3.
  3. quōs: these (adj.).
  4. nāvibus: freely, in their ships; strictly, abl. of means.
  5. adversō flūmine: up stream; lit. what?
  6. nūgīs: nūgae, -ārum, f., trifles.
  7. omnēs: everybody; cf. the note on quīdam, p. 2, l. 1. The noun use of the masc. pl. is very frequent.