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Cornelii Nepotis Vitae (Hamilton)/Datames

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 XIII. Timotheus XV. Epaminondas 
Venio nunc ad fortissimum virum que maximi
I come now to the bravest man and of the greatest
consilii omnium barbarorum, duobus
counsel of all the barbarians, the two
Carthaginiensibus, Hamilcare et Hannibale exceptis.
Carthaginians, Hamilcar and Hannibal excepted.
De quo referemus plura
Concerning whom we shall relate more (things)
hoc, quod pleraque gesta eius sunt
on this account, because most deeds of him are
et obscuriora, et ea, quae cesserunt
both more obscure, and those, which yielded (happened)
prospere ei, acciderunt non magnitudine
prosperously to him, happened not by greatness
copiarum, sed consilii, quo superabat omnes
of forces, but of counsel, in which he did excel all
tum, quorum nisi ratio fuerit explicata,
then, of which unless the reason shall have been unfolded,
res poterunt non apparere. Datames, natus
things will be able not to appear. Datames, born
Camissare patre, Care natione, Scythissa
from Camissares father, a Carian by nation, from a Scythian,
matre; fuit primum apud Artaxerxem numero
mother; he was first at (with) Artaxerxes in the number
eorum militum, qui tuebantur regiam.
of those soldiers, who did protect the palace.
Pater eius Camissares, quod repertus-erat
The father of him Camissares, because he had been found
et fortis manu, et strenuus bello, et
both brave in hand, and active in war, and
fidelis regi multis locis, habuit
faithful to the king in many places, had
provinciam, partem Ciliciae iuxta Cappadociam, quam
a province, part of Cilicia nigh to Cappadocia, which
Leucosyri incolunt. Datames primum fungens
the Leucosyrians inhabit. Datames first discharging
militare munus, apparuit qualis esset (sub.) in
military office, appeared what sort he was in
bello, quod rex gessit adversus Cadusios.
the war, which the king carried on against the Cadusians.
Namque hic, multis milibus regiorum
For here, many thousands of the royal (soldiers)
interfectis, opera eius fuit magni.
being slain, the assistance of him was of great (value.)
Quo factum-est, ut, quum Camissares
By which it happened, that, when Camissares
cecidisset (sub.) in eo bello, paterna provincia
had fallen in that war, paternal province
traderetur (sub.) ei.
was delivered to him.

Postea praebuit se pari virtute,
Afterwards he afforded himself with equal valour,
quum Autophradates, iussu regis,
when Autophradates, by order of the king,
persequeretur (sub.) bello eos, qui defecerant.
did pursue in war those, who had revolted.
Namque opera huius, hostes, quam
For by the assistance of him, the enemies, when
iam intrassent (sub.) castra, profligati-sunt,
already they had entered the camps, were routed,
que reliquus exercitus [regis] conservatus-est.
and remaining army [of the king] was preserved.
Ex qua re coepit praeesse maioribus
From which thing he began to be over to greater
rebus. Eo tempore Thyus erat dynastes
things. In that time Thyus was ruler
Paphlagoniae, natus antiquo genere a illo
of Paphlagonia, born from ancient race from that
Pylaemene, quem Homerus ait interfectum Troico
Pylaemenes, whom Homer says slain in Trojan
bello a Patroclo. Is erat non audiens
war by Patroclus. He was not hearing (obedient)
dicto regi. Ob quam caussam, constituit
to order to the king. For which cause, he resolved
persequi eum bello, que praefecit Datamem,
to pursue him in war, and appointed Datames,
propinquum Paphlagonis, ei rei; namque
the relation of the Paphlagonian, to that thing; for
erant nati ex fratre et sorore. Ob
they were born from brother and sister. For
quam caussam Datames voluit primum experiri
which cause Datames wished first to try
[omnia,] ut reduceret propinquum ad
[all (things),] that he might bring back relation to
officium sine armis. Ad quem quum
duty without arms. To whom when
venisset (sub.) sine praesidio, quod vereretur (sub.)
he had come without guard, because he did dread
nullas insidias ab amico, paene interiit. Nam,
no snares from friend, almost he perished. For
Thyus voluit interficere eum clam. Mater
Thyus wished to kill him privately. Mother
erat cum Datame, amita Paphlagonis.
was with Datames, the aunt of the Paphlagonian.
Ea resciit, quid ageretur (sub.), que monuit
She learned, what was being done, and admonished
filium. Ille evitavit periculum fuga, que
son. He escaped the danger by flight, and
indixit bellum Thyo. In quo quum
declared war to Thyus. In which when
desertus-esset (sub.) ab Ariobarzane, praefecto
he had been deserted by Ariobarzanes, governor
Lydiae et Ioniae, que totius Phrygiae,
of Lydia and of Ionia, and of whole Phrygia,
nihilo segnius perseveravit, que cepit
by nothing more slothfully he persevered, and took
Thyum vivum cum uxore et liberis.
Thyus alive with wife and children.

Dedit operam ne fama cuius facti
He gave endeavour lest the report of which deed
perveniret ad regem prius-quam ipse.
might reach to the king before that himself.
Itaque, omnibus insciis, venit eo
Therefore, all (being) ignorant, he came thither
ubi rex erat, que postero die texit
where the king was, and on the following day he covered
optima veste, quam regii satrapae
with best robe, which royal governors
consueverant gerere, Thyum, hominem maximi
had been accustomed to wear, Thyus, a man of greatest
corporis que terribili facie, quod erat
body and with terrible face, because he was
et niger, et longo capillo que barba
both black, and with long hair and with beard
promissa; que etiam ornavit torque et
hanging down; and also he adorned with chain and
aureis armillis, que cetero regio cultu;
with golden bracelets, and with other royal attire;
ipse circumdatus agresti duplici amiculo
himself surrounded with rustic double cloak
que hirta tunica, gerens in capite venatoriam
and shaggy coat, carrying on head hunting
galeam, dextra manu clavam, sinistra copulam,
helmet, in right hand a club, in left a band,
qua agebat ante se Thyum
with which he did drive before himself Thyus
vinctum, ut si duceret feram bestiam
bound, as if he might lead wild beast
captam. Quem quum omnes prospicerent (sub.)
taken. Whom when all did gaze upon
propter novitatem ornatus que ignotam
on account of the novelty of the dress and unknown
formam, que ob eam rem esset (sub.)
figure, and on account of that thing there was
magnus concursus, fuit non nemo, qui
a great assemblage, there was not no one, who
agnosceret (sub.) Thyum, que nuntiaret (sub.)
did recognise Thyus, and did tell
regi. Primo accredidit non. Itaque
to the king. At first he believed not. Therefore
misit Pharnabazum exploratum. A quo, ut
he sent Pharnabazus to discover. From whom, when
comperit rem gestam, statim iussit
he found out the thing performed, immediately he ordered
admitti, magnopere delectatus cum facto,
to be admitted, greatly delighted as well by the deed,
tum ornatu: in-primis, quod nobilis rex
as by the dress: especially, because a noble king
venerat in potestatem inopinanti.
had come into power (to him) not expecting.
Itaque misit Datamem magnifice donatum
Therefore he sent Datames magnificently rewarded
ad exercitum, qui tum contrahebatur
to the army, which then was collected
duce Pharnabazo et Tithrauste ad
by the leader Pharnabazus and Tithraustes to
Aegyptium bellum, que iussit eum atque illos
the Egyptian war, and ordered him and them
esse pari imperio. Vero postea quam
to be with equal command. But after that
rex revocavit Pharnabazum, summa imperii
the king recalled Pharnabazus, the chiefdom of command
tradita-est illi.
was delivered to him.

Quum hic compararet (sub.) exercitum maximo
When he did prepare an army with very great
studio, que pararet (sub.) proficisci Aegyptum,
earnestness, and did prepare to set out (to) Egypt,
litterae missae-sunt subito ei a rege,
letters were sent hastily to him from the king,
ut aggrederetur Aspim, qui tenebat Cataoniam,
that he should attack Aspis, who did hold Cataonia,
quae gens iacet supra Ciliciam, confinis
which nation lies above Cilicia, bordering
Cappadociae. Namque Aspis incolens regionem
to Cappadocia. For Aspis inhabiting a country
saltuosam, que munitam castellis, non
full of forests, and fortified by castles, not
solum parebat non imperio regis, sed
only did obey not to the command of the king, but
etiam vexabat finitimas regiones, et
also did harass neighbouring countries, and
abripiebat quae portarentur (sub.)
did forcibly take away what (things) were being carried
regi. Datames, etsi aberat longe
to the king. Datames, although he was distant far
ab his regionibus, et abstrahebatur a
from these countries, and was drawn off by
maiore re, tamen putavit morem gerendum
greater thing, however thought manner to be carried
voluntati regis. Itaque conscendit navem
to the will of the king. Therefore he mounts a ship
cum paucis, sed fortibus viris; existimans, id
with few, but brave men; thinking, that
quod accidit, se facilius oppressurum
which happened, himself more easily about to overthrow
imprudentem parva manu, quam paratum
(him) unwary with a small band, than prepared
quamvis magno exercitu. Delatus hac
although with great army. Carried in this (ship)
in Ciliciam, egressus inde, faciens iter
into Cilicia, having gone out thence, making journey
dies que noctes, transiit Taurum, que venit
days and nights, he passed over Taurus, and came
eo, quo studuerat; quaerit, quibus
thither, whither he had desired; he inquires, in what
locis Aspis sit: cognosci eum abesse
places Aspis may be: he learns him to be distant
haud longe, que profectum venatum. Quem
not far, and gone to hunt. Whom
dum speculatur, caussa adventus eius
while he watches, the cause of the arrival of him
cognoscitur. Aspis comparat Pisidas, cum
is known. Aspis prepares the Pisidians, with
iis quos habebat secum, ad resistendum.
those whom he had with him, to resisting.
Ubi Datames audivit id, sumit arma, que
When Datames heard that, he takes arms, and
iubet suos sequi; ipse equo
orders his (men) to follow; himself with horse
concitato vehitur ad hostem. Quem Aspis
spurred-on is carried to the enemy. Whom Aspis
conspiciens procul ferentem ad se,
beholding at a distance bearing to himself,
pertimescit, atque deterritus a conatu
fears much, and being deterred from the attempt
resistendi, dedit sese. Datames tradit hunc
of resisting, surrenders himself. Datames delivers him
vinctum Mithridati ducendum ad regem.
bound to Mithridates to be led to the king.

Dum haec geruntur, Artaxerxes
Whilst these (things) are carried on, Artaxerxes
reminiscens, a quanto bello ad quam parvam
remembering, from how great war to how small
rem misisset (sub.) principem ducum, ipse
a thing he had sent the chief of generals, he
reprehendit se, et misit nuntium Acen
blamed himself, and sent a messenger (to) Ace
ad exercitum, quod putabat Datamem nondum
to the army, because he did think Datames not yet
profectum, qui diceret ei, discederet
set out, who should say to him, he should depart
ne ab exercitu. Hic, priusquam perveniret (sub.),
not from the army. He, before that he did arrive,
quo profectus-erat, convenit in itinere, qui
whither he had set out, met in the way, (those) who
ducebant Aspim. Qua celeritate quum Datames
did lead Aspis. By which speed when Datames
consecutus-esset (sub.) magnam benevolentiam regis,
had obtained great good will of the king,
excepit non minorem invidiam aulicorum,
he received not less envy of the courtiers,
qui videbant illum unum fieri pluris
who did see him alone to be made of more (account)
quam omnes se. Quo facto, cuncti
than all themselves. Which being done, all
consenserunt ad opprimendum eum. Pandates,
agreed together to oppressing him. Pandates,
custos regiae gazae, amicus Datami,
the keeper of the royal treasure, friendly to Datames,
mittit haec perscripta ei, in quibus
sends these (things) written out to him, in which
docet, eum fore magno periculo,
he informs, him to be about to be in great danger,
si quid adversi accidisset illo
if any (thing) of adverse should have happened he
imperante in Aegypto. Namque eam esse regiam
commanding in Egypt. For that to be royal
consuetudinem, ut tribuant (sub.) adversos casus
custom, that they ascribe adverse events
hominibus, secundos suae fortunae. Quo
to men, prosperous to their own fortune. By which
fieri, ut impellantur (sub.) facile ad
to happen, that they are urged easily to
perniciem eorum, ductu quorum res
the destruction of those, by the conduct of whom things
nuntientur (sub.) male gestae. Illum fore
are reported badly carried on. Him to be about to be
maiore discrimine, hoc, quod rex
in greater danger, by this, because the king
habeat eos inimicissimos, quibus
may have those most inimical (to him), to whom
obediat maxime. Ille, talibus litteris cognitis,
he may obey chiefly. He, such letters being known,
quum iam venisset (sub.) ad exercitum Acen,
when now he had come to the army (to) Ace,
quod ignorabat non ea vere scripta,
because he was ignorant not those (things) truly written,
constituit desciscere a rege. Neque tamen
determined to revolt from the king. Nor however
fecit quidquam, quod esset (sub.) indignum sua
did he any thing, which was unworthy his
fide. Nam praefecit Mandroclem Magnetem
fidelity. For he appointed Mandrocles the Magnesian
exercitui; ipse discedit in Cappadociam
to the army; himself departs into Cappadocia
cum suis, que occupat Paphlagoniam
with his own (men), and seizes upon Paphlagonia
coniunctam huic, celans qua voluntate
adjoined to this, concealing in what wish
esset (sub.) in regem; facit clam
he was towards the king; he makes privately
amicitiam cum Ariobarzane; comparat manum;
friendship with Ariobarzanes; he prepares a band;
tradit munitas urbes suis
he delivers the fortified cities to his own (friends)
to be defended.

Sed propter hiemale tempus haec
But on account of the wintry time these (things)
procedebant minus prospere. Audit, Pisidas
did proceed less prosperously. He hears, the Pisidians
parare quasdam copias adversus se. Mittit
to prepare certain forces against himself. He sends
eo filium Arsideum cum exercitu. Adolescens
thither (his) son Arsideus with an army. The youth
cadit in praelio: pater proficiscitur eo cum
falls in battle: the father sets out thither with
non ita magna manu, celans, quantum vulnus
not so great a band, concealing, how great a wound
accepisset (sub.), quod cupiebat pervenire ad
he had received, because he did desire to arrive to
hostem prius-quam fama de re male
the enemy before that the report of the thing badly
gesta perveniret ad suos, ne, morte
carried on might arrive to his (men), lest, the death
filii cognita, animi militum
of son being known, the minds of the soldiers
debilitarentur. Pervenit quo contenderat,
might be weakened. He arrives whither he had hastened,
que ponit castra his locis, ut
and places camps in these places, that
posset (sub.) neque circumveniri multitudine
he could neither to be surrounded by the multitude
adversariorum, neque impediri, quo ipse
of adversaries, nor to be impeded, that himself
haberet manum minus expeditam ad
might have hand (his army) less freed to
dimicandum. Mithrobarzanes, socer eius,
fighting. Mithrobarzanes, the father-in-law of him,
praefectus equitum, erat cum eo. Is, rebus
commander of cavalry, was with him. He, things
generi desperatis, transfugit ad hostes.
of son-in-law being despaired of, fled over to enemies.
Ut Datames audivit id, sensit, si
When Datames heard that, he perceived, if
exisset (sub.) in turbam, se relictum
it had gone out into the crowd, himself abandoned
ab homine tam necessario, futurum, ut
by a man so nearly related, about to be, that
ceteri sequerentur consilium. Edit in
the rest would follow the counsel. He publishes unto
vulgus, Mithrobarzanem profectum pro
the common people, Mithrobarzanes gone as
perfuga suo iussu, quo, receptus
deserter by his own order, that, being received
interficeret hostes facilius. Quare
he might destroy the enemies more easily. Wherefore
non esse par eum relinqui, et omnes confestim
not to be fit him to be left, and all immediately
sequi. Quod si fecissent strenuo
to follow. Which if they should have done with active
animo, futurum, ut adversari possent
mind, about to be, that the adversaries would be able
non resistere, quum caederentur et intra
not to resist, when they would be slain both within
vallum et foris. Hac re probata,
the rampart and without. This thing being approved of,
educit exercitum, persequitur Mithrobarzanem,
he leads forth the army, he pursues Mithrobarzanes,
qui tantum-quod pervenerat ad hostes, Datames
who scarcely had arrived to the enemies, Datames
iubet signa inferri. Pisidae,
orders the standards to be advanced. The Pisidians,
commoti nova re, adducuntur in opinionem,
alarmed with the new thing, are led into the opinion,
perfugas fecisse mala fide que
the deserters to have done with evil faith and
composito, ut, recepti essent maiori
designedly, that, being received they might be to greater
calamitati. Primum adoriuntur eos. Illi, quum
calamity. First they attack them. They, when
ignorarent (sub.) quid ageretur (sub.), aut quare
they did not know what was being done, or wherefore
fieret (sub.), coacti-sunt pugnare cum eis, ad
it was done, were compelled to fight with those, to
quos transierant, que stare ab his,
whom they had gone over, and to stand from those,
quos reliquerant. Quibus quum neutri
whom they had left. To whom when neither
parcerent (sub.), celeriter concisi-sunt. Datames
did spare, quickly they were cut in pieces. Datames
invadit reliquos Pisidas resistentes, pellit
attacks the remaining Pisidians resisting, drives off
primo impetu, persequitur fugientes, interficit
in the first charge, pursues (those) flying, kills
multos, capit castra hostium. Tali consilio
many, takes the camps of the enemies. By such plan
uno tempore et perculit proditores, et
in one time both he beat down the traitors, and
profligavit hostes, et convertit ad salutem
routed the enemies, and turned to safety
id, quod fuerat cogitatum ad perniciem.
that, which had been designed to destruction.
Quo legimus neque usquam
Than which we have read neither any where
acutius cogitatum ullius imperatoris, neque
a more subtle device of any commander, nor
celerius factum.
more speedy deed.

Ab hoc viro, tamen, Scismas, filius
From this man, however, Scismas, son
maximus natu, desciit, que transiit
the greatest by birth (eldest), revolted, and went over
ad regem, et detulit de defectione patris.
to the king, and reported of the revolt of the father.
Quo nuntio Artaxerxes commotus, quod
By which message Artaxerxes alarmed, because
intelligebat negotium esse sibi cum
he did understand the business to be to himself with
forti ac strenuo viro, qui quum cogitasset (sub.),
a brave and active man, who, when he had thought,
auderet facere, et consuesset (sub.) cogitare
would dare to do, and had been accustomed to think
prius-quam conari, mittit Autophradatem in
before than to attempt, sends Autophradates into
Cappadociam. Datames studuit praeoccupare, ne
Cappadocia. Datames endeavoured to preoccupy, lest
hic posset intrare, saltum, in quo
he might be able to enter, a forest, in which
portae Ciliciae sunt sitae. Sed
the gates (passages) of Cilicia are situated. But
potuit non contrahere copias tam subito.
he could not to draw together forces so suddenly.
Depulsus a qua re cum ea manu, quam
Driven from which thing with that band, which
contraxerat, delegit talem locum, ut
he had drawn together, he chose such a place, that
neque circumiretur ab hostibus, neque
neither he might be surrounded by enemies, nor
adversarius praeteriret, quin premeretur
adversary might pass by, but that he would be pressed
ancipitibus locis, et, si vellet (sub.) dimicare
in dangerous places, and, if he would to engage
cum eo, multitudo hostium posset (sub.)
with him, the multitude of enemies could
non obesse multum suae paucitati.
not to injure much to his own fewness.


Etsi Autophradates videbat haec,
Although Autophradates did see these (things),
tamen statuit congredi, quam refugere cum
however he resolved to engage, than to flee back with
tantis copiis, aut sedere tam diu uno loco.
so great forces, or to sit so long in one place.
Habebat viginti millia barbarorum equitum,
He had twenty thousands of barbarian horsemen,
centum peditum, quos illi appellant Cardacas,
a hundred of footmen, whom they call Cardaces,
que tria funditorum eiusdem generis; praeterea
and three of slingers of the same kind; besides
octo millia Cappadocum, decem Armeniorum,
eight thousands of Cappadocians, ten of Armenians,
quinque Paphlagonum, decem Phrygum,
five of Paphlagonians, ten of Phrygians,
quinque Lydorum, Aspendiorum et Pisidarum
five of Lydians, of Aspendians and of Pisidians
circiter tria, Cilicum duo, Captianorum totidem,
about three, of Cicilians two, of Captians as many,
conductorum ex Graecia tria millia, levis
of mercenaries out of Greece three thousands, of light
armaturae maximum numerum. Adversus has
armour a very great number. Against these
copias omnis spes Datami consistebat in se
forces all hope to Datames did consist in himself
que natura loci; namque habebat non
and in the nature of the place; for he had not
vicesimam partem militum huius. Fretus
a twentieth part of the soldiers of him. Trusting
quibus conflixit que concidit multa millia
in which he engaged and cut off many thousands
adversariorum, quum non amplius mille
of adversaries, when not more (than) a thousand
hominum de exercitu ipsius cecidisset (sub.).
of men of the army of himself had fallen.
Ob quam caussam postero die posuit
For which cause on the following day he placed
tropaeum loco quo pugnatum-erat pridie.
a trophy in the place in which it had been fought the day before.
Quum movisset (sub.) castra hinc, que semper
When he had moved camps hence, and always
inferior copiis, discederet (sub.) superior omnibus
inferior in forces, he departed superior in all
praeliis, quod numquam consereret manum,
battles, because never he would join hand (engage),
nisi quum clausisset (sub.) adversarios angustiis
unless when he had enclosed adversaries in straits
locorum, (quod saepe accidebat perito
of places, (which often did happen (to him) skilled
regionum que cogitanti callide); Autophradates,
of the countries and thinking shrewdly); Autophradates,
quum videret (sub.) bellum duci
when he did see the war to be led (protracted)
maiore calamitate regis quam adversariorum,
with greater misfortune of the king than of adversaries,
hortatus-est ad pacem que amicitiam, ut
advised to peace and friendship, that
rediret in gratiam cum rege. Quam
he might return into favor with the king. Which
etsi ille putabat non fore fidam,
although he did think not to be about to be faithful,
tamen accepit conditionem, que dixit
however he received the condition, and said
se missurum legatos ad Artaxerxem.
himself about to send ambassadors to Artaxerxes.
Sic bellum, quod rex susceperat adversus
So the war, which the king had undertaken against
Datamem, sedatum-est. Autophradates recepit se
Datames, was quieted. Autophradates betook himself
in Phrygiam.
into Phrygia.

At rex, quod susceperat implacabile
But the king, because he had taken up irreconcilable
odium in Datamem, postquam animadvertit eum
hatred against Datames, after that he perceived him
non posse opprimi bello, studuit
not to be able to be oppressed by war, endeavoured
interficere insidiis, plerasque quas ille vitavit.
to destroy (him) by snares, most of which he avoided.
Sicut, quum nuntiatum-esset (sub.) quosdam
As, when it had been told certain (persons)
insidiari sibi, qui erant in numero
to lie in wait to him, who were in the number
amicorum (de quibus, quod inimici
of (his) friends (concerning whom, because enemies
detulerant, putavit neque credendum, neque
had reported, he thought neither to be believed, nor
negligendum,) voluit experiri verum ne
to be neglected,) he wished to try (whether) true or
falsum relatum-esset sibi. Itaque profectus-est
false had been reported to him. Therefore he set out
eo itinere quo dixerant insidias
thither by the way in which they had said snares
futuras. Sed elegit simillimum sui
about to be. But he chose (a person) very like of himself
corpore et statura, que dedit suum vestitum
in body and in stature, and gave his own clothing
ei, atque iussit ire eo loco, quo
to him, and ordered to go in that place, in which
ipse consueverat. Autem ipse, militari
himself had been accustomed. But himself, in military
ornatu [que vestitu,] coepit facere iter inter
array [and clothing,] began to make journey among
custodes corporis. At insidiatores, post-quam
the guards of the body. But the plotters, after that
agmen pervenit in eum locum, decepti ordine
the troop came into that place, deceived by the order
atque vestitu, faciunt impetum in eum, qui
and clothing, make an attack against him, who
erat suppositus. Autem Datames praedixerat
was substituted. But Datames had said beforehand
his, cum quibus faciebat iter, ut
to them, with whom he did make journey, that
essent parati facere quod vidissent
they should be ready to do what they should have seen
ipsum. Ipse, ut animadvertit insidiatores
himself. Himself, when he observed the plotters
concurrentes, coniecit tela in eos. Quum
running together, threw darts against them. When
universi fecissent (sub.) hoc idem, prius-quam
the whole had done this same, before that
pervenirent (sub.) ad eum, quem volebant
they did arrive to him, whom they did wish
aggredi, ceciderunt confixi.
to attack, they fell pierced.

Tamen hic tam callidus vir extremo tempore
However this so shrewd man in the last time
captus-est dolo Mithridatis, filii Ariobarzanis.
was taken by the guile of Mithridates, son of Ariobarzanes.
Namque is pollicitus-est regi, se interfecturum
For he promised to the king, himself about to kill
eum, si rex permitteret ei, ut liceret
him, if the king would permit to him, that it might be allowed
facere impune quodcumque vellet, que
to do with impunity whatever he might will, and
dedisset fidem de ea re dextra
should have given faith of that thing with right hand
more Persarum. Ut accepit hanc,
by custom of the Persians. When he received this,
missam a rege, parat copias, et absens
sent by the king, he prepares forces, and absent
facit amicitiam cum Datame, vexat provincias
makes friendship with Datames, he harasses the provinces
regis, expugnat castella, capit magnas praedas,
of the king, storms the forts, takes great spoils,
quarum dispertit partem suis, mittit
of which he distributes part to his own (people), sends
partem ad Datamem. Pari modo tradit
part to Datames. In like manner he delivers
complura castella ei. Faciendo haec diu
several forts to him. By doing these (things) long
persuasit homini, se suscepisse
he persuaded to the man, himself to have undertaken
infinitum bellum adversus regem, quum nihilo
endless war against the king, when by nothing
magis, ne praeberet illi quam suspicionem
more, lest he might afford to him any suspicion
insidiarum, neque petivit colloquium eius,
of snares, neither he sought the conference of him,
neque studuit venire in conspectum. Absens
nor desired to come into sight. Absent
gerebat amicitiam sic ut viderentur (sub.)
he did carry on friendship so that they did seem
contineri non mutuis beneficiis, sed communi
to be held together not by mutual benefits, but by the common
odio, quod susceperant erga regem.
hatred, which they had taken up towards the king.

Quum arbitratus-est se confirmasse id
When he thought himself to have confirmed that
satis, facit Datamem certiorem, tempus
enough, he makes Datames more certain, the time
esse maiores exercitus parari, et bellum
to be greater armies to be prepared, and war
suscipi cum rege ipso; que si
to be undertaken with the king himself; and if
videretur ei, veniret in colloquium
it might seem (fit) to him, he should come into conference
de ea re, quo loco vellet.
concerning that thing, in what place he might wish.
Re probata, tempus colloquendi sumitur,
The thing being approved, the time of conferring is taken,
que locus, quo conveniretur. Mithridates
and a place, in which it might be met. Mithridates
venit huc aliquot dies ante, cum uno,
comes hither some days before, with one,
cui habebat maximam fidem, que obruit
to whom he had the greatest faith, and covers (buries)
gladios separatim compluribus locis, que notat
swords apart in several places, and marks
ea loca diligenter. Autem die ipso
those places carefully. But in the day itself
colloquendi, utrique mittunt qui explorarent
of conferring, both send (persons) who might explore
locum, atque scrutarentur ipsos. Deinde
the place, and might search themselves. Then
ipsi congressi-sunt. Quum fuissent (sub.)
they themselves met. When they had been
hic aliquamdiu in colloquio, et discessissent (sub.)
here some time in conference, and had departed
diversi, que Datames iam abesset (sub.) procul,
separate, and Datames now was distant far,
Mithridates, prius-quam perveniret (sub.) ad
Mithridates, before that he did arrive at
suos, ne pareret quam suspicionem,
his own (people,) lest he might produce any suspicion,
revertitur in eumdem locum, atque resedit
returns into the same place, and sat down
ibi, ubi telum impositum-erat, ut si
there, where a weapon had been placed, as if
cuperet (sub.) adquiescere [a] lassitudine, que
he did desire to rest [from] fatigue, and
revocavit Datamem, similans, se oblitum-esse
recalled Datames, pretending, himself to have forgotten
quiddam in colloquio. Interim protulit
something in the conference. Meanwhile he brought forth
telum, quod latebat, que texit
the weapon, which did lie hid, and covered (it)
nudatum vagina veste, ac ait
made naked from sheath with robe, and says
Datami venienti, se digredientem animadvertisse
to Datames coming, himself departing to have observed
quemdam locum, qui erat in conspectu, esse
a certain place, which was in view, to be
idoneum ad castra ponenda. Quem quum
suitable to camps to be placed. Which when
demonstraret (sub.) digito, et ille
he did point out with finger, and he (Datames)
conspiceret (sub.), transfixit ferro aversum,
did view, he pierced with sword (him) turned back,
que interfecit prius-quam quisquam posset (sub.)
and slew before that any one could
succurrere. Ita ille vir, qui ceperat multos consilio,
to succour. Thus that man, who had taken many by counsel,
neminem perfidia, captus-est simulata amicitia.
no one by treachery, was taken by pretended friendship.