Cornelii Nepotis Vitae (Hamilton)/Timotheus

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 XII. Chabrias XIV. Datames 


Timotheus, filius Cononis Atheniensis. Hic
Timotheus, son of Conon, the Athenian. He
auxit gloriam acceptam a patre multis
increased the glory received from father with many
virtutibus. Enim fuit disertus, impiger, laboriosus,
virtues. For he was eloquent, active, laborious,
peritus militaris rei, neque minus civitatis
skilled of military affair, nor less of the state
regendae. Multa huius facta-sunt praeclare,
to be ruled. Many (things) of him were done splendidly,
sed haec maxime illustria. Subegit
but these (are) most illustrious. He subdued
Olynthios et Byzantios bello. Cepit
the Olynthians and Byzantians in war. He took
Samum, in qua oppugnanda superiore bello
Samos, in which to be besieged in former war
Athenienses consumpserant mille et ducenta
the Athenians had consumed a thousand and two hundred
talenta. Ille restituit id populo sine ulla
talents. He restored that to the people without any
publica impensa: gessit bella adversus Cotum,
public cost: he carried on wars against Cotus,
que retulit ab eo mille et ducenta
and brought back from him a thousand and two hundred
talenta praedae in publicum. Liberavit
talents of booty into the public (treasury). He delivered
Cyzicum obsidione. Profectus-est cum Agesilao
Cyzicus from siege. He set out with Agesilaus
auxilio Ariobarzani; a quo quum
to assistance of Ariobarzanus; from whom when
Laco accepisset (sub.) pecuniam numeratam, ille
the Spartan had received money counted, he
maluit suos cives augeri agro
rather chose his own citizens to be increased with land
atque urbibus, quam sumere id, cuius
and cities, than to take that, of which
posset ferre partem suam domum.
he might be able to carry part (to) his own home.
Itaque accepit Crithoten et Sestum.
Therefore he received Crithote and Sestus.


Idem praefectus classi, circumvehens
The same being appointed to fleet, sailing round
Peloponnesum, populatus Laconicen, fugavit
Peloponnesus, having plundered Laconica, routed
classem eorum. Redegit Corcyram sub
the fleet of them. He reduced Corcyra under
imperium Atheniensium; que idem adiunxit
the command of the Athenians; and the same joined
socios Epirotas, Athamanas, Chaonas, que
(as) allies the Epirots, Athamanians, Chaonians, and
omnes eas gentes, quae adiacent illud mare.
all those nations, which lie near to that sea.
Quo facto, Lacedaemonii destiterunt de diutina
Which being done, the Lacedemonians desisted from long
contentione, et sua sponte concesserunt
contention, and by their own accord yielded
Atheniensibus principatum maritimi imperii, que
to the Athenians the chiefdom of maritime power, and
constituerunt pacem his legibus, ut
settled peace with these laws, that
Athenienses essent duces mari. Quae victoria
the Athenians should be leaders by sea. Which victory
fuit tantae laetitiae Atticis, ut tum primum
was to so great joy to the Athenians, that then first
arae factae-sint (sub.) publice PACI, que pulvinar
altars were made publicly to PEACE, and a shrine
institutum-sit ei deae. Ut memoria
was appointed to that goddess. That the remembrance
cuius laudis maneret, posuerunt statuam
of which praise might remain, they placed a statue
Timotheo in foro publice; qui honos
to Timotheus in the forum publicly; which honour
contigit huic uni ante hoc tempus, ut,
happened to him alone before this time, that,
quum populus posuisset (sub.) statuam patri,
when the people had placed a statue to the father,
daret (sub.) filio quoque. Sic recens
it did give (one) to the son also. Thus the new (statue)
filii, posita iuxta, renovavit veterem
of the son, placed nigh, renewed the old
memoriam patris.
remembrance of the father.


Quum hic esset (sub.) magno natu, et
When he was in great age, and
desisset (sub.) gerere magistratus, Athenienses
had ceased to carry on magistracies, the Athenians
coepti-sunt premi undique bello. Samus
began to be pressed on every side with war. Samos
defecerat; Hellespontus descierat; Philippus
had revolted; the Hellespont had fallen away; Philip
[Macedo] iam-tunc valens moliebatur
[the Macedonian] already powerful did attempt
multa; cui quum Chares oppositus-esset (sub.),
many (things); to whom when Chares had been opposed,
satis praesidii putabatur non in eo.
enough of defence was thought not in him.
Menestheus, filius Iphicratis, gener Timothei,
Menestheus, son of Iphicrates, son-in-law of Timotheus,
fit praetor, et decernitur, ut
is made commander, and it is decreed, that
proficiscatur ad bellum. Duo, pater et
he may set out to the war. Two, father and
socer, praestantes usu que sapientia,
father-in-law, excelling in experience and in wisdom,
dantur huic in consilium, consilio quorum
are given to him unto counsel, advice of whom
uteretur, quod tanta auctoritas erat in
he might use, because so great authority was in
his, ut magna spes esset (sub.) amissa
these, that great hope was the lost (things)
posse recuperari per eos. Quum hi
to be able to be recovered through them. When these
profecti-essent (sub.) Samum, et Chares, adventu
had set out (to) Samos, and Chares, the arrival
[illorum] cognito, proficisceretur (sub.) eodem
[of them] being known, did set out to the same place
cum suis copiis, ne quid videretur (sub.)
with his own forces, lest any (thing) might seem
gestum, se absente, accidit, quum
carried on, himself being absent, it happened, when
appropinquarent (sub.) ad insulam, ut magna
they did approach to the island, that a great
tempestas oriretur (sub.), quam duo veteres
storm did rise, which the two old
imperatores arbitrati utile evitare, suppresserunt
commanders having thought useful to shun, stopped
suam classem. At ille, usus temeraria ratione,
their fleet. But he, having used rash plan,
cessit non auctoritati maiorum natu,
yielded not to the authority of greaters by birth (of his elders),
et, ut si fortuna esset in
and, as if fortune might be in
sua navi, pervenit quo contenderat, que
his own ship, he arrived whither he had endeavoured, and
misit nuntium ad Timotheum et Iphicratem, ut
sent a message to Timotheus and Iphicrates, that
sequerentur eodem. Hinc, re
they should follow to the same place. Hence, the thing
gesta male, compluribus navibus amissis,
being carried on badly, several ships being lost,
recepit se eodem, unde profectus-erat,
he betook himself to the same place, whence he had set out,
que misit litteras Athenas publice, fuisse
and sent a letter (to) Athens publicly, to have been
proclive sibi capere Samum, nisi
easy to himself to take Samos, unless
desertus-esset (sub.) a Timotheo et Iphicrate.
he had been deserted by Timotheus and Iphicrates.
[Ob eam rem vocabantur in crimen.]
[For this thing they were called into accusation.]
Populus acer, suspicax, mobilis, adversarius,
The people sharp, suspicious, inconstant, adverse,
etiam invidus potentiae, revocat domum:
also envious of power, recalls (them) home:
accusantur proditionis. Hoc iudicio
they are accused of treachery. By this judgment
Timotheus damnatur, que lis eius
Timotheus is condemned, and the fine of him
aestimatur centum talentis. Ille, coactus
is valued at a hundred talents. He, forced
odio ingratae civitatis, contulit
by the hatred of the ungrateful state, betook
se Chalcidem.
himself (to) Chalcis.


Post mortem huius, quum poeniteret (sub.)
After the death of him, when it did repent
populum sui iudicii, detraxit novem partes
the people of its judgment, it withdrew nine parts
multae, et iussit filium eius Cononem
of the fine, and ordered the son of him Conon
dare decem talenta ad quamdam partem
to give ten talents to a certain part
muri reficiendam. In quo varietas
of the wall to be repaired. In whom the mutability
fortunae est animadversa. Nam nepos,
of fortune is observed. For the grandson,
cum summa ignominia familiae, coactus-est
with highest reproach of family, was compelled
reficere ex sua familiari re
to repair out of his own family thing (property)
eosdem muros, quos avus Conon
the same walls, which (his) grandfather Conon
restituerat patriae ex praeda hostium.
had restored to country out of the booty of enemies.
Autem quum possimus proferre pleraque
But when we may be able to produce many
testimonia moderatae que sapientis vitae
evidences of the moderate and wise life
Timothei, erimus contenti uno, quod
of Timotheus, we shall be content with one, because
ex eo poterit coniici, quam
from it it will be able to be conjectured, how
carus fuerit (sub.) suis. Quum
dear he was to his own (friends). When
adolescentulus diceret (sub.) caussam Athenis,
a youth he did speak (plead) cause at Athens,
non solum amici que privati hospites convenerunt
not only friends and private guests came together
ad defendendum eum, sed etiam in eis Iason
to defending him, but even among them Jason
tyrannus, qui illo tempore fuit potentissimus
king, who in that time was most powerful
omnium. Hic quum arbitraretur (sub.) se
of all. He when he did think himself
non tutum in patria sine satellitibus,
not safe in his own country without attendants,
venit Athenas sine ullo praesidio, que
came (to) Athens without any guard, and
fecit hospitem tanti, ut
made (his) guest of so much (account), that
mallet adire periculum capitis, quam
he would rather to go to (encounter) danger of head, than
deesse Timotheo dimicanti de
to be wanting to Timotheus contending concerning
fama. Tamen postea, iussu populi,
fame. However afterwards, by order of people,
Timotheus gessit bellum adversus hinc, que
Timotheus carried on war against him, and
duxit iura patriae esse sanctiora,
led (esteemed) the rights of country to be more sacred,
quam hospitii. Haec fuit extrema aetas
than of hospitality. This was the last age
Atheniensium imperatorum, Iphicratis, Chabriae,
of Athenian generals, of Iphicrates, of Chabrias,
Timothei, neque, post obitum illorum, fuit
of Timotheus, nor, after the death of them, was
quisquam dux in illa urbe dignus memoria.
any general in that city worthy with (of) remembrance.