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Cornelii Nepotis Vitae (Hamilton)/Phocion

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 XVIII. Eumenes XX. Timoleon 
Etsi Phocion Atheniensis saepe praefuit
Although Phocion the Athenian often was over
exercitibus, que cepit summos magistratus, tamen
to armies, and took the highest civil offices, yet
integritas vitae eius est notior, quam
the integrity of life of him is more known, than
labor militaris rei. Itaque est nulla
the labor of military affair. Therefore there is no
memoria huius, autem magna fama illius:
memorial of this (latter), but great fame of that:
ex quo appellatus-est Bonus cognomine. Enim
from which he was called Good by surname. For
fuit perpetuo pauper, quum posset(sub.) esse
he was perpetually poor, when he could to be
divitissimus propter frequentes honores delatos
very rich on account of frequent honours conferred
que summas potestates, quae dabantur ei a
and highest powers, which were given to him by
populo. Quum hic repudiaret (sub.) munera magnae
the people. When he did reject gifts of great
pecuniae a rege Philippo, que legati
money from king Philip, and the ambassadors
hortarentur (sub.) accipere, que simul
did exhort to take, and at the same time
admonerent (sub.), si ipse facile careret
did remind, if he himself easily might be without
his, tamen prospiceret suis liberis,
these (things), however he should provide for his own children,
quibus esset difficile tueri tantam paternam
to whom it might be difficult to maintain so great paternal
gloriam in summa paupertate, ille inquit his:
glory in the highest poverty, he says to these:
Si erunt similes mei, hic idem agellus,
If they shall be like of me, this same small field,
qui perduxit me ad hanc dignitatem, alet
which has brought me to this dignity, will nourish
illos; sin sunt futuri dissimiles,
them; but if they are about to be unlike,
nolo luxuriam illorum ali que
I will not the luxury of them to be nourished and
augeri meis impensis.
to be increased with my expenses.

Quum fortuna mansisset (sub.) prospera prope
When fortune had continued prosperous almost
ad octogesimum annum, extremis temporibus idem
to the eightieth year, in the last times the same
pervenit in magnum odium suorum civium.
came into great hatred of his own citizens.
Primo, quod consenserat cum Demade, de
First, because he had agreed with Demades, about
urbe tradenda Antipatro, que consilio
the city to be delivered to Antipater, and by advice
eius, Demosthenes cum ceteris, qui existimabantur
of him, Demosthenes with others, who were thought
meriti bene de republica, expulsi-erant
having deserved well of the commonwealth, had been driven
in exsilium populiscito. Neque
into exile by the decree of the people. Nor
offenderat solum in eo, quod consuluerat
had he offended only in this, that he had consulted
male patriae, sed etiam, quod praestiterat
badly to country, but also, that he had performed
non fidem amicitiae. Namque auctus que
not pledge of friendship. For being increased and
adiutus a Demosthene, adscenderat eum gradum,
assisted by Demosthenes, he had mounted that degree,
quem tenebat, quum subornaret (sub.) eum adversus
which he did hold, when he did suborn him against
Charetem; aliquoties defensus ab eodem in
Chares; several times defended by the same in
iudiciis, quum diceret (sub.) caussam capitis,
trials, when he did plead cause of head,
discesserat liberatus. Non solum defendit non
he had come off freed. Not only he defended not
hunc in periculis, sed etiam prodidit. Autem concidit
him in dangers, but even betrayed. But he fell
maxime uno crimine, quia, quum summum
chiefly by one crime, because, when the chief
imperium populi esset (sub.) apud eum,
power of the people was at (with) him,
et moneretur (sub.) a Dercyllo, Nicanorem,
and he was admonished by Dercyllus, Nicanor,
praefectum Cassandri, insidiari Piraeeo
governor of Cassander, to lie in wait to Piraeus
Atheniensium, que idem postularet (sub.), ut
of the Athenians, and the same did demand, that
provideret, ne civitas privaretur
he should take care, lest the state should be deprived of
commeatibus; populo audiente, Phocion negavit
provisions; the people hearing, Phocion denied
huic periculum esse, que pollicitus-est se
to him danger to be, and promised himself
fore obsidem eius rei. Neque ita
to be about to be hostage of that thing. Nor so
multo post, Nicanor potitus-est Piraeeo. Ad
much after, Nicanor possessed Piraeus. To
recuperandum quem, quum populus concurrisset (sub.)
recovering which, when the people had run together
armatus, ille non modo vocavit neminem ad arma,
armed, he not only called no one to arms,
sed ne-quidem voluit praeesse armatis. [Sine
but not even wished to command to the armed. [Without
quo Athenae possunt non omnino esse.]
which Athens can not at all to be.]

Duae factiones erant eo tempore Athenis,
Two factions were in that time in Athens,
una quarum agebat caussam populi,
one of which did act the cause of the people,
altera optimatum. In hac erat Phocion et
the other of the nobles. In this was Phocion and
Demetrius Phalereus. Utraque harum nitebatur
Demetrius Phalereus. Each of these (factions) did depend
patrociniis Macedonum; nam populares favebant
on patronages of the Macedonians; for the populars did favor
Polysperchonti, optimates sentiebant cum Cassandro.
to Polysperchon, the nobles did think with Cassander.
Interim Cassander pulsus-est Macedonia a
In the meantime Cassander was driven from Macedonia by
Polysperchonte. Quo facto, populus factus
Polysperchon. Which being done, the people being made
superior, statim pepulit patria duces
superior, immediately drove from the country the leaders
adversariae factionis damnatos capitis; in
of the hostile faction condemned of head; in (among)
his Phocionem et Demetrium Phalereum, que
these Phocion and Demetrius Phalereus, and
misit legatos ad Polysperchontem de ea
sent ambassadors to Polysperchon concerning that
re, qui peterent ab eo ut confirmaret
thing, who should ask from him that he would confirm
sua decreta. Phocion profectus-est huc
their own decrees. Phocion set out hither
eodem. Quo ut venit, iussus-est
to same place. Whither when he came, he was ordered
dicere caussam apud regem Philippum verbo,
to plead cause at (before) king Philip in word,
re-ipsa quidem apud Polysperchontem; namque is
in reality indeed at Polysperchon; for he
tum praeerat rebus regis. Hic accusatus
then was over to the affairs of the king. He being accused
ab Agnonide, quod prodidisset (sub.) Piraeeum
by Agnonides, that he had betrayed Piraeus
Nicanori, coniectus in custodiam ex sententia
to Nicanor, being thrown into custody from the sentence
consilii, deductus-est Athenas, ut iudicium
of the counsel, was conducted (to) Athens, that judgment
fieret ibi de eo legibus.
might be made there concerning him by the laws.

Ubi perventum-est huc, quum propter
When it was arrived hither, when on account of
aetatem iam valeret (sub.) non pedibus, que
age now he was strong not in feet, and
portaretur (sub.) vehiculo, magni concursus facti-sunt,
was carried in a carriage, great concourses were made,
quum alii, reminiscentes veteris fame,
when others, remembering of ancient fame,
misererentur (sub.) aetatis, vero plurimi exacuerentur (sub.)
did compassionate of age, but most were exasperated
ira propter suspicionem proditionis
with anger on account of the suspicion of the betraying
Piraeei, que maxime quod steterat in
of Piraeus, and chiefly because he had stood in
senectute adversus commoda populi. De qua
old age against the interests of the people. Of which
re ne-quidem facultas perorandi et
thing not even the liberty of haranguing and
dicendi caussam data-est ei. Inde
of pleading cause was given to him. Then
damnatus iudicio, quibusdam legitimis
being condemned by judgment, certain legal (forms)
confectis, traditus-est undecim viris, quibus
being performed, he was delivered to eleven men, to whom
more Atheniensium, publice damnati
by custom of the Athenians, (persons) publicly condemned
solent tradi ad supplicium. Quum hic
are wont to be delivered to punishment. When he
duceretur (sub.) ad mortem, Emphyletus, quo
was led to death, Emphyletus, whom
usus-fuerat familiariter, fuit obvius ei.
he had used intimately, was opposite (met) to him.
Quum is lacrimans dixisset (sub.): O quam
When he weeping had said: O how
indigna perpeteris, Phocion! ille inquit
unworthy (things) thou endurest, Phocion! he says
huic, At non inopinata. Enim plerique clari
to him, But not unexpected. For most famous
Athenienses viri habuerunt hunc exitum. Odium
Athenian men have had this end. The hatred
multitudinis in hunc fuit tantum, ut
of the multitude against him was so great, that
nemo liber ausus-sit (sub.) sepelire eum. Itaque
no one free (man) dared to bury him. Therefore
sepultus-est a servis.
he was buried by slaves.