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Eventum investigationis

  • ae, f., knowledge, novacula, ae, f., a razor, novem, num., nine. novies, num. adv., nine timee. novus, a, um. ac^j., new, nox, noctis, i., night. nubo...
    482 octeti (14 205 verba) - 07:42, 15 Iunii 2020
  • novem annorum. Praeterea illustris, formosus of nine years. Besides an illustrious, handsome...
    23 chiliocteti (37 verba) - 05:42, 2 Iunii 2020
  • utpote nato non amplius novem annos, inasmuch as born not more than nine years,...
    91 chiliocteti (37 verba) - 05:42, 2 Iunii 2020