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A First Latin Reader/18

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Lesson 18
A Remarkable Deliverance
 17. The Outbreak of King Philip’s War 19. Philip finds Allies 
A Remarkable Deliverance

Hōc ferē tempore aliō in oppidō latēbat imperātor quīdam, quī ē Britanniā paulō ante fūgerat, quod rēx Britannōrum eum volēbat interficere. Homō[1] scīlicet nōlēbat oppidānōs cōgnōscere sē ibi latēre. Sed ōlim, cum colōnī in templō adessent omnēs, tūtō sē ē latebrīs exīre posse crēdēbat; itaque ē fenestrā prōspēxit. Prīmō nēminem vīdit; tum subitō animadvertit multōs Indōs per agrōs clam properantēs, ut oppidum oppugnārent.

Quibus ille rēbus[2] vehementer commōtus, ex aedibus statim ērūpit ac colōnōs ad arma vocāvit. Quī cum[3] celeriter ē templō cucurrissent, advenā duce[4] cum Indīs fortiter pugnāvērunt, hostēsque postrēmō in silvās fugere coāctī sunt.

Imperātor interim, postquam Indōs fugere intellēxit, ad latebrās statim sē recēpit, nec posteā ā colōnīs invenīrī[5] potuit[6]. Quī[7] igitur crēdidērunt ducem[8] ē caelō ā dīs missum esse, quī sē adiuvāret, sīcut multīs ante annīs Castor et Pollūx ōlim subitō adfuērunt in aciē auxiliumque Rōmānīs tulērunt, cum illī hōrās multās pugnāssent cum hostibus, neque eōs in fugam dare potuissent.

  1. homō: cf. hominem, p. 20, l. 4.
  2. quībus … rébus: transl. as singular (cf. quā rē, [[A First Latin Reader/17#cite_note-9|p. 20, l. 19).
  3. cum … cucurrissent: cf. the note on p. 14, l. 8.
  4. advenā duce: abl. absol. lit. the stranger (being) leader; transl. freely.
  5. īnvenīrī: note the last letter of the word.
  6. potuit: for the translation, cf. the note on possent, p. 1, l. 13.
  7. quī: cf. the rendering of quī in the note on p. 5, l. 3.
  8. ducem: a leader.