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A First Latin Reader/45

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Lesson 45. The Father of his Country

 44. Washington retires of Private Life 46. The Settler’s Daughter 
The Father of his Country

Laus[1] maxima Vasingtōnī tribuenda est[2], quod[3] sē rēgem facere nōluit. Sed eius nōmen manet semperque mānsūrum est[4] in animīs hominum, in aeternitāte[5] tempōrum[6], neque aliud[7] umquam ab Americānīs aequē[8] amābitur. Quod[9] ille pater patriae appellātus est, hīc est[10] honor, quī paucīs[11] contigit[12]. Nam abhinc multōs annōs Cicerō ita est vocātus, cum vīcisset cīvīs pessimōs, quī rem pūblicam perdere[13] voluerant; et antīquitus hoc idem cōgnōmen[14] Camillō ā cīvibus grātīs[15] iūre datum est.

Nam ille vir Rōmānus, dux fortis clārusque, iniūriā in iūs vocātus, abierat in exsilium, vīvēbatque apud Ardeātēs[16], cum Gallī[17] plūrimī trāns montēs in Ītaliam subitō profectī, proeliō ācrī vīcērunt Rōmānōs, urbemque[18] ipsam incendērunt. Tum Camillus, conciliō convocātō, Ardeātēs hortātus est ut audācter fīnēs dēfenderent suōs, Rōmānīsque fortiter auxilium ferrent. Itaque, illō duce, oppidānī noctū clam profectī, in quōsdam Gallōs, quī sine custōdiīs in agrō apertō humī iacēbant sōpītī, maximō clāmōre fēcērunt impetum, eōsque in fugam dedērunt. Ac paulō post reliquī quoque hostēs, quī in castrīs ad Rōmam[19] morātī erant, ā Camillō paene ad ūnum[20] occīsī sunt.

  1. laus (laudis, f.): credit.
  2. tribuenda est: is due (tribuō, 3, tribuī, tribūtus, give, or ascribe).
  3. quod: that (conjunction).
  4. mānsūrum est: cf. futūrus erat, p. 31, l. 7.
  5. aeternitāte: aeternitās, -ātis, f., endless extent.
  6. temporum: the ages.
  7. aliud: (any) other.
  8. aeque: adv., equally.
  9. quod: as for the fact that.
  10. hic est: this is; for the gender, cf. the note on quod, p. 30, l. 6.
  11. paucīs: (only) a few; masc., as noun.
  12. contigit: contingō, 3, -tigi, fall (to the lot of), or happen (to).
  13. perdere: perdō, 3, perdidī, perditus, ruin.
  14. cōgnōmen: cōgnōmen, -īnis, n., title.
  15. grātīs: grateful.
  16. Ardeātēs: people of Ardea (a town about twenty miles south of Rome).
  17. Gallī: the Gauls, a people inhabiting the country now known as France.
  18. urbem: cf. the note on urbe, p. 48, l. 3.
  19. ad Rōmam: near (or at) Rome.
  20. ad ūnum: cf. p. 4., l. 5.