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Si vis, paginam "Shore3" crea! Conferantur etiam paginae 20 sequentes, in quibus quaesitum quodam modo continetur.
- ArnoldCothurnulusCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothurnulus Three short Latin historical plays...972 octeti (92 verba) - 21:04, 12 Iunii 2022
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Preface...544 octeti (176 verba) - 08:20, 25 Maii 2020
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Veturia...572 octeti (34 verba) - 08:21, 25 Maii 2020
- avoided, the thought is simple and directly expressed, and the units are so short that the pupil may hope to accomplish something definite at one sitting...353 octeti (1 565 verba) - 22:21, 28 Ianuarii 2024
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Cremutius...625 octeti (26 verba) - 08:24, 25 Maii 2020
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Idus...593 octeti (28 verba) - 08:23, 25 Maii 2020
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Vocabulary...554 octeti (97 verba) - 08:28, 25 Maii 2020
- text of the annals as edited by Phillimore; that is, his expansion of the short-hand Latin of the scribe, retaining the scribal line-breaks with and without...105 chiliocteti (164 verba) - 11:53, 15 Maii 2020
- multa: much; cf. multa, p. 5, l. 9. trāditum est: it is related (trādo is short for trānsdo, lit. hand over, pass along). suum: emphatic position, her own...494 octeti (274 verba) - 07:37, 25 Iulii 2024
- illustrating the elementary principles of the Simple and Compound sentence. Short selections from the Public School Primer (for permission to use which I...494 octeti (227 verba) - 07:11, 15 Iunii 2020
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Veturia...543 octeti (231 verba) - 08:22, 25 Maii 2020
- Standisī: fīlius and proper names in -ius and -ium have regularly this short form of the gen.; so also some common nouns in -ium. Accent, Standísī. cum:...519 octeti (319 verba) - 07:37, 25 Iulii 2024
- frūmentō aliīsque rēbus iuvāre potuit. ———————— haud diū: freely, but a short time. angustius: predicate adj., agreeing with flūmen, l. 5. hāc: sc. viā;...504 octeti (313 verba) - 07:37, 25 Iulii 2024
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Veturia...543 octeti (497 verba) - 08:21, 25 Maii 2020
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Veturia...545 octeti (485 verba) - 08:22, 25 Maii 2020
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Cremutius...573 octeti (475 verba) - 08:28, 25 Maii 2020
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Idus...572 octeti (564 verba) - 08:24, 25 Maii 2020
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Idus...571 octeti (570 verba) - 08:23, 25 Maii 2020
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Idus...550 octeti (563 verba) - 08:24, 25 Maii 2020
- Edward Vernon ArnoldCothvrnvlvsCothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu1912 Edward Vernon Arnold Cothvrnvlvs Cremutius...567 octeti (536 verba) - 08:25, 25 Maii 2020