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Eventum investigationis

Ostenduntur, quae per "great" inveniuntur. Profecto scrutinari, ubi "Griot" contineatur!
Videre (20 superiores | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
  • IIVeni Sancte Spiritus00 Robertus II Veni Sancte Spiritus e libro The seven great hymns of the mediaeval church Caroli Cooper Nott VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS. ROBERT...
    2 chiliocteti (32 verba) - 21:28, 6 Septembris 2022
  • CluniacensisHora novissima00 Bernardus Cluniacensis Hora novissima e libro The seven great hymns of the mediaeval church Caroli Cooper Nott HORA NOVISSIMA. BERNARD...
    2 chiliocteti (28 verba) - 21:32, 6 Septembris 2022
  • TudertoStabat materThe seven great hymns of the mediaeval church - 1902.djvu0 Iacobus de Tuderto Stabat mater e libro The seven great hymns of the mediaeval...
    2 chiliocteti (59 verba) - 21:31, 6 Septembris 2022
  • Thomas de CelanoDies irae00 Thomas de Celano Dies irae e libro The seven great hymns of the mediaeval church Caroli Cooper Nott I. THOMAS DE CELANO Die...
    2 chiliocteti (61 verba) - 21:30, 6 Septembris 2022
  • GodescalcusCantemus cuncti00 Godescalcus Cantemus cuncti e libro The seven great hymns of the mediaeval church Caroli Cooper Nott...
    2 chiliocteti (18 verba) - 21:21, 6 Septembris 2022
  • mater speciosa00 Iacobus de Tuderto Stabat mater speciosa e libro The seven great hymns of the mediaeval church Caroli Cooper Nott MATER SPECIOSA. JACOBUS...
    2 chiliocteti (29 verba) - 21:32, 6 Septembris 2022
  • FortunatusVexilla regis00 Venantius Fortunatus Vexilla regis e libro The seven great hymns of the mediaeval church Caroli Cooper Nott VEXILLA REGIS. FORTUNATUS...
    2 chiliocteti (27 verba) - 21:24, 6 Septembris 2022
  • creator Spiritus00 Hrabanus Maurus Veni creator Spiritus e libro The seven great hymns of the mediaeval church Caroli Cooper Nott VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS....
    2 chiliocteti (31 verba) - 21:23, 6 Septembris 2022
  • interest of the great themes which they handle, and that they may give beginners a real, though necessarily a restricted, view of the great impulses which...
    544 octeti (176 verba) - 08:20, 25 Maii 2020
  • 33416096 • GND: 1055113916 • LCCN: n85001332 • CERL: cnp01983157 en:The Seven Great Hymns of the Mediaeval Church, MCMII Hora Novissima Dies Irae Stabat Mater...
    975 octeti (56 verba) - 21:30, 6 Septembris 2022
  • -a, -um kind bēstia, -ae f. beast bonus, -a, -um good Britannia, -ae f. Great Britain Britannicus, -a, -um English Britannus, -ī m. an Englishman C caecus...
    1 chiliocteti (2 775 verba) - 18:58, 18 Augusti 2022
  • First Latin Reader Lesson 59 A Battle against Great Odds 1912 fons: librum vide LESSON 59 A Battle against Great Odds In quōdam lacū maximō, cuius in lītore...
    511 octeti (218 verba) - 14:12, 21 Iulii 2024
  • —Lat. Prim. § 107, c. utrum ... an ... 'whether—or.' 46. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia (now part of Turkey), and conqueror of Asia, died B.C...
    481 octeti (5 926 verba) - 07:42, 15 Iunii 2020
  • sub septentriōnibus: i.e. toward the north (septentriōnēs, -um, m., the “Great Bear”). altum: the deep (sea). āmissīs: i.e. by death. paucīs...exceptīs:...
    504 octeti (313 verba) - 07:37, 25 Iulii 2024
  • Tribunes—The First Agrarian Law—The Power of the Tribunes—The Decemvirs—The Great Reform—The Story of Coriolanus—The Story of Cincinnatus—Camillus saves Rome...
    761 octeti (1 276 verba) - 11:17, 27 Augusti 2023
  • which the present outcry against Latin in schools is largely based. The great mistake seems to be that the elementary stages of learning are turned into...
    399 octeti (1 320 verba) - 12:43, 13 Augusti 2022
  • poet who wrote under the empire and died in a.d. 102. Solon. Solon, the great lawgiver of Athens, made the Athenians promise not to alter his laws, and...
    892 octeti (461 verba) - 17:11, 13 Augusti 2022
  • -a, -um kind bēstia, -ae f. beast bonus, -a, -um good Britannia, -ae f. Great Britain Britannicus, -a, -um English Britannus, -ī m. an Englishman C caecus...
    826 octeti (2 807 verba) - 19:42, 29 Maii 2024
  • -a, -um kind bēstia, -ae f. beast bonus, -a, -um good Britannia, -ae f. Great Britain Britannicus, -a, -um English Britannus, -ī m. an Englishman C caecus...
    1 chiliocteti (2 804 verba) - 18:03, 28 Maii 2024
  • of the Odyssey. praeconem agas, ‘play the part of crier,’ ‘act as crier.’ Carthago. The great city on the N. coast of Africa a little SW. of Sicily....
    707 octeti (600 verba) - 17:05, 13 Augusti 2022
Videre (20 superiores | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).